Food for the soul


I’m a library worker and a reading lover so it saddens me when someone says they don’t read like it’s something to be proud of. When a politicians does it, I get angry so was very pleased to read this article .

I know the truths that can be conveyed behind the lies. I know what it feels like to have my country, my town invaded by another country, something that no non-fiction could not do as our country has never been invaded, our freedom has never been violated. But it has in the fiction of John Marsden.

I can find out what it’s like to be autistic, a refugee, live in ancient Rome or if my whole society was swept away as clever authors with insight and a vision have put it into words.

Difficult theological mysteries are made clear, I have access to the greatest minds this world has seen or even some of the most deranged are open to me in a format easy to understand and take in.

Next time you think it’s been ages since you’ve sat down with a good book, can I suggest you find one. You never know, you may find one to share. And if you feel you really can’t afford to be splurging on often expensive books, you can always borrow them for free from your local library!

3 responses »

  1. This is very similar to an article that was in New Scientist a while back. I think I sent it to you, but let me know if I didn’t. I’m sure I can find it again.

  2. Thanks for reading my blog.

    I really do believe that fiction is a wonderful medium for difficult topics that it would otherwise be to sensitive to write into a biography. Child abuse springs to mind. Some might not want to put their name or the name’s of family members into print, but those same experiences are just as valid within a created setting. A well researched fiction can often be more interesting therefore more educational than a non-fiction.

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