Monthly Archives: June 2020

It was good advice


I get a lot of videos recommended to me. Struthless was only the latest and the clickbait title of the recommended video (his words) didn’t help my attitude towards it.

Sure, another person who has the secrets to life, the universe and ….well just the arts really.

But it was good advice as so I’m going to add it here, but collection of stuff that I’ve found useful.

Draw (play, write, paint…you get the picture) the same thing everyday.

Struthless went on to say this was brilliant advice for four reasons.

  1. Quantity until quality: you can’t get better until you’re practising everyday.
  2. Promotes restraits and overcomes the dreaded blank page.
  3. Action comes before motivation, so true in these lockdown days.
  4. Gets away from thinking as a form of procrastination

I’d give a fifth. Repetition give legitimacy. No matter how stupid the project may have started, with repetition you get to see the different angles and facets. Struthless’ bin chickens are a prime example. He started seeing beyond the image to what the image can convey.

Thumbs up Struthless and thanks.