Monthly Archives: September 2020

We do not live in vain


Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be hope. It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.

“Let There Be Dragons” (1993), Terry Pratchett

Oh Boy! This is timely.

I really enjoy the excellent Overly Scarcastic episode on the trope, Grimdark. As a young adult of the 90s, Grimdark was how my world perceived itself. I even described myself as an optimist dragged down by reality, meaning the grim darkness of life.

I know better now, I can proudly say I am an optimist and know that while there is life, there is hope. Life gets dark, but the the darkness is not life.

I’m sure some would say that comes from life experience and perspective, but I know enough miserable old people to know that not the case.

In gaming, Rain’s life has gotten pretty dark. Very recently he’s had to face the fact that his family is dead, a fact he’d been hiding from himself almost his entire life. On top of that, the his first mentor’s life is threatened, someone he wanted to reconnect with and rebuild a more honest life for himself.

Pretty dark.

But, he and his friends are there with him, they’ve dealt with the first wave of enemies and the mentor is a smart and resourceful character. While there’s life there’s hope.

Grimdark is only a thing when life is good oe when you don’t have to face the real darkness of life on a daily basis.

We all need heroes and hope.