Category Archives: pets

Wednesday 28 April 2021


This was a surprise. I expected this to arrive on Friday, but Wednesday morning… new iPad. I don’t even have a case for it yet and had to steal my one 1st Generation’d old case.

It mean I had a good reason to go out this morning, to get a sim card and set up data for the iPad. Now I have my DND characters wherever I am, whenever I want them.

Now out on the road I decided to find the new old game store at Condell Park. RC Crew have been around forever it seems. Most a remote control car store for the serious driver they’ve recently stepped into gaming including wargaming and…TTRPGs.

Though hidden away in the Condell Park industrial area, the store is defintely taking their responsibility to gamers seriously. There’s a public room of six tables, a wargame room with another five or six tables for battling armies and at least two other private rooms set up for gaming. In a fortnight we intend to play a game there…hey, I’ll still be on holidays then. I’ll give a review then.

This afternoon I spent some time writing up an adventure log and sharing a few fresh dounuts with the pets. Usually, I don’t consider the cat would enjoy dounut, but she was so insistent I gave her a little. She ate it all. Crazy cat.